Performance in terms of residual value
Changing factors such as new environmental and tax regulations and, for example, the economic situation increasingly influence the residual values of vehicles. Large, but currently also smaller companies want to know how they perform in terms of residual value.

Very precise and up to date
A useful tool to enrich the website of leasing companies, car importers and dealer organizations is the AutoDisk Residual Valuation System. This is a very accurate system that provides a good estimate of the current and future residual value of a vehicle.
- Available as API, web service XML, Iframe and embedded pages
- Assistance with processing by senior programmers
- Excellent SEO possible
- Own design applicable
- Historical residual value marketability model
- At the car’s life cycle phase
- Degree of dependence on the life cycle
- CO2 emissions
- Residual value matrix
- Trial account possible
Questions about the residual value module?
The need for comprehensive residual value management is increasing. Not only large, but also smaller companies can benefit from AutoDisk Residual Value.